Monday, October 13, 2014

Broiled Lamb Chops


Until this point, I had only had lamb once in my entire life (my family members are primarily chicken-eaters). So, I figured that this recipe from The CreoleCookbook would count as being adventurous. In retrospect, I’m not sure that broiling is really the way to go with so fatty a piece of meat, but this was one of the few recipes so far in this project that both of us said was amazing, and my husband said, “The only thing that’s bad about this, is that there isn’t more…”

Broiled Lamb Chops

Lamb Chops (I found shoulder chops at the store, but you can use whatever chop you prefer)
Basic Spice Mix (See my note below)

Wipe chops clean with a damp cloth. Rub each side of chops with mixture of salt, pepper, MSG, and spices.

Let’s be clear: this recipe only called to season the chops with a tiny amount of salt, pepper, and MSG. While I love following these recipes, I felt the need to stretch my seasoning wings on this one, especially because so many of these recipes have been under-seasoned as written. My Basic Spice Mix, that I used for this recipe, is just Garlic Powder, Celery Salt, Coriander, Paprika, and Tumeric in amounts that “look right.” I use this as the base for seasoning a lot of my cooking – these spices just add a good “oomph” and a strong background flavor. Feel free to experiment with the seasoning for this and the other recipes as you see tasty!

Arrange chops on broiler rack 2 in from heat source. Broil about 5 to 7 minutes per side. Once cooked to desired doneness, top with small dollop butter and serve. The recipe calls for mint jelly to be served with the chops, but I A) didn’t have any, and B) didn’t think it needed it – these were delicious on their own!

I served these accompanied by French Fried Onions, and the dinner was a big hit! Like I said, we have never cooked lamb together, but we were both impressed by the flavor. The texture left a tiny bit to be desired – like I said, with fattier meat, low and slow cooking works better because the fat breaks down, but the broiling in this recipe gave the chops a nice crispy brown.

Have a question or a request? Put it in the comments below and I’ll be sure to respond. Fröhe essen!

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